So First of all Padre Bernardo has one new member! Elder Nascimento and Elder Deleray baptized Maria this week (everyone is named Maria) she is close to 80 years old but really great, she was also baptized in a river which was pretty cool.
We had 40 people attend church this week! A new record! The church is truly growing here and it´s amazing. I was asked to give a 10 minute talk in Portuguese this Sunday and I´m fairly positive nobody understood a thing, well maybe not that bad but it was certainly a struggle.
I can´t go through them all because we have a lot of investigators, but we have this one family we have been working very closely with, Analiz is the mother's name and her daughter Carina, she has two other daughters who are not showing much interest at this point but Analiz and Carina have been attending church which is great. The problem is, this family is very broken. Without going into details there are a lot of problems that need fixing with this family. But they want to be baptized and are working towards that goal which is just awesome. Yesterday they fed us this huge huge dinner, like I´m talking a mountain of food on my and my companion´s plates. And because we are in Brazil we have to finish this food or this lady is getting offended, so we get to work, long story short we were both dying afterwards, especially my companion it was hilarious. After dinner we had an excellent lesson and committed them to baptism.
We have some amazing members here. Besides Silo and his family there is an awesome family Carina, Maria, Paulo, Meme, and Juliana. We also have Divina and her husband who are so great and she is a fantastic cook.
Juice here, (I think I've mentioned this before) is amazing, I can´t stress it enough, goiaba is probably my favorite juice.
My Portuguese is steadily improving which is great. I´m doing much better at actually following the gist of conversations when I'm listening. And when I´m talking one on one, I've gotten really good at pretending like I understand and responding to what I think they said, and then they start laughing because what I said made no sense.... Portuguese is hard. Overall though I´m noticing minor slow improvement, it´s going to take a while but I´m pretty excited.
The other elders are still awesome, I found out the other day that my companion listens to Air Supply, it was way funny when he started singing "Without You" with a Brazilian accent.
I think that's about it, love you guys tons, be grateful for English, Ate Mais!
Elder Hyer