Elder Chandler Hyer

Elder Chandler Hyer
Elder Chandler Hyer

Monday, January 18, 2016

Padre Bernardo /Asa Norte - Brasilia Week 23

Hello Brasilia!!

Well, It´s official. After 6 incredibly fast months of working in the tiny, poor, minimally populated town of Padre Bernardo, I have been transferred to work in the incredibly rich, gigantic, highly populated area of the Asa Norte ward. Things are different.

To explain transfers, everyone stayed in Padre Bernardo except Deleray and I. Deleray went to Paracatu (even smaller than Padre Bernardo), and I am here right smack dab in the middle of Brasilia, the big city.

My new companion is Elder Machado, he is from Paraná Brasil and seems like a hard worker and I´m excited. I´ll talk a little more about the area next week after I know more. Oh and they took out the last two missionaries working here which means both Elder Machado and I know literally nothing about the area, so wish us luck as we try to get the work moving here.

My last week in Padre Bernardo was great, Mainly it was a normal week with a lot of visits to members to say goodbye those last two days. We did also happen to find a lot of new people to teach. But mainly I want to talk about what happened with Diuly.

So last Monday night we stopped by Açai (juice store) to ask Diuly if she received an answer about being baptized on the 16th of Jan. and she told us that she knew she needed to be baptized but was just feeling nervous about the 16th. So she asked us when we would be having the next baptismal service. We took out our phone to look at the calendar and said more as a joke "the 17th of january" (the next day) and she looked at us kind of funny and asked "you guys do service the day after the other?" and we told her "sim!" she paused for a second and said "ok, can you mark it for that day." and we then got really excited.

We marked the day for baptism and she ended up getting baptized the very last day before I left. It was a small but amazing baptismal service. and it started raining right in the middle if it. But I loved it. Diuly is one of these people that you just know is going to stay so strong in the church.

Anyways, then I left the area. Now I am here in Brasilia and it´s the start to something new, but I´m also really excited.

I love you all, and I hope you have a perfect week. Tchau!

Elder Hyer

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